Knowledge Stache

Knowledge Stache

Not everyone has experience with babies-let us help!

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Knowledge Stache

We’ve pulled together high-level baby basics with the novice in mind; but every baby is unique and on their own journey. Milestones and recommendations are just that; not a checklist.

Baby Proofing

We include age-specific safety products in your Stache, but take a look around at what makes your home uniquely hazardous… Wrap up blind cords that babies can get tangled in, consider how to keep animals separated from the baby, use a gate to block off stairs or minimize the space baby can access, etc.



How do you know what size diaper they wear? Which formula to buy? Allergies to consider? Just like us, babies have their own preferences and needs. Be sure to ask the parents – even if you’ve raised your own.


Taking Care of Mom

Postpartum depression is real and affects up to 20% of moms. Symptoms may develop within a few weeks – or later – up to a year after birth. Watch for frequent, unexplained tears, excessive anxiety, or feeling disconnected from the baby. A lack of love for baby is not the cause. Here are some things you can do to help:

  • Give her a break and offer to hold the baby
  • Listen and don’t minimize or dismiss her feelings
  • Continue to treat her like you would when baby was first born
  • Invite her out of the house or take baby for the day – remind her you’re prepared with BabyStache!
  • Many local hospitals also have programs to support postpartum – do some research for her (but leave decisions up to her and professionals)

Beginner Stache | 0-3 Months

Beginner Stache | 0-3 Months

Beginner Stache | 0-3 Months

Baby is meeting the world for the first time, and they are the absolute center of it. If they are joined by first time parents, the amount of learning for everyone can feel overwhelming. Routines are still forming so patience, helping hands and kindness can go a long way.

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Babbler Stache | 3-6 Months

Babbler Stache | 3-6 Months

Babbler Stache | 3-6 Months

During baby’s next three month journey they start to piece together all the great stuff that makes them a little person. You may catch them staring intently at their hands, kicking their feet, raising their head and giggling! Oh, the sweet sweet sound of baby babbles and giggles (swoon!).

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Crawler Stache | 6-9 Months

Crawler Stache | 6-9 Months

Crawler Stache | 6-9 Months

Sitting up, crawling, scooting… baby is gaining strength, confidence and is on the move! As baby gets more mobile, we recommend getting on your hands and knees too. What can you see and reach? Move anything you don’t want baby getting into or knocking over (including your hot cup of coffee).

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Cruiser Stache | 9-12 Months

Cruiser Stache | 9-12 Months

Cruiser Stache | 9-12 Months

Playing together during this stage is so much fun – try out pat-a-cake or simply waving hi and bye. In this Stache, you’ll find lots interactive toys that help you bond, inspire creativity and create all sorts of memories.

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Walker Stache | 12-15 Months

Walker Stache | 12-15 Months

Walker Stache | 12-15 Months

Happy birthday! Hopefully you’ve helped properly celebrate babies first year and have reflected on the amazing role you’ve played in their little lives. At BabyStache, we’re serious about community and the benefits it offers everyone. So, thank you! As you move into year two (!!) we want to help you prepare for the independence they’re gaining.

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Explorer Stache | 15-18 Months

Explorer Stache | 15-18 Months

Explorer Stache | 15-18 Months

Most babies at this stage want to embrace their independence; having trusted adults nearby as they try new things helps them feel more confident. A healthy mix of independent play with social play (having to take turns or share) are equally important, so use lots of open ended play, follow their lead (no right or wrong way to play) or explore outside together!

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Climber Stache | 18-21 Months

Climber Stache | 18-21 Months

Climber Stache | 18-21 Months

Up and down and all around – get ready for soon-to-be toddlers to climb on everything. Which means there will be more to play with (or knock over) within arms reach. This is also a super fun age because they want to participate and engage with daily routines around the house. It’s really about imitating you, so invite them to join! Be sure to use your baby-proofing gear from prior Staches.

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Toddler Stache | 21-24 Months

Toddler Stache | 21-24 Months

Toddler Stache | 21-24 Months

Pretend play is such a powerful learning tool and almost instinctual at this age. Things like taking care of baby dolls, cleaning, and practicing their chef or barista skills allows them to play grown-up, and gives you a super fun front row to the show! This Stache is all about pretend play and more independence.

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