During baby’s next three month journey they start to piece together all the great stuff that makes them a little person. You may catch them staring intently at their hands, kicking their feet, raising their head and giggling! Oh, the sweet sweet sound of baby babbles and giggles (swoon!).
Because they may start to get mobile during this time by rolling or starting to crawl, you need to be more mindful of creating a safe space. Using the tummy time mat and toys from your first Stache will still be a hit with baby at this age.
What's Inside the Babbler Stache?
- KidCo Outlet Covers to keep those tiny fingers out of shocking situations
- Teether to massage those sore gums and new baby teeth
- Rattle socks are just as fun as they sound, literally! They will also captivate baby visually as they kick their legs
- Soft, snuggly toy to entertain through touch & sound, plus one more thing for baby to safely gnaw on!
- Crinkle books for both independent play and for bonding time with baby
- Swaddle blanket to help with nap time snuggles
- Burp Cloths for burps, spit up, drool – keep em’ close!
- Emergency Stache of Hello Bello diapers (sizes 2 & 3)
- Please follow all manufacturer safety directions & visit their website for more info
Baby Basics
- Babies sleep a lot. 15-16 hours, with 2-3 naps. White noise machines can help too, especially if it’s already part of babies routine.
- Safe Sleep ABCs – babies should sleep Alone, on their Backs and in a Crib (or bassinet)
On the Move!
Baby may be rolling from side to side or even gearing up to crawl! You can encourage this by placing baby in a crawling position and helping to sway hips back and forth. Some babies may choose to crawl on all fours, army style, one leg with one arm – they can get creative.
- Babies give clues they are hungry. Watch for lip smacking, tongue movement or hands in mouth as signs baby may be hungry.
- At this age, many babies eat 5-7 oz every 3-5 hours. This is also a time baby may start trying to hold their own bottle!