Crawler Stache | 6-9 Months

Crawler Stache | 6-9 Months

Sitting up, crawling, scooting… baby is gaining strength, confidence and is on the move! As baby gets more mobile, we recommend getting on your hands and knees too. What can you see and reach? Move anything you don’t want baby getting into or knocking over (including your hot cup of coffee).

You will want to use the outlet covers from your previous Stache, and depending on your home layout, may want to consider a baby gate to block off a room or stairway.

What's Inside the Crawler Stache?

  • KidCo Corner Covers to lessen impact of head bonks on coffee tables
  • Stacking rings to helps build fine motor skills and cognitive reasoning (yep, at this age!)
  • Bibs because teething is tough business and babies drool a lot during this phase
  • Sippy cup to help them practice new skills
  • Emergency Stache of Hello Bello diapers (sizes 2 & 3) and baby wipes
  • Teething sensory toy because they will want to put everything in their mouth!
  • Please follow all manufacturer safety directions & visit their website for more info

Baby Basics

Tips & Tidbits

  • Stranger anxiety can be high at this age – don’t take it personal
  • Reading and exposing baby to new activities is great for their development. It is never too early to read with babies.
  • They like to copy noises and silly faces, so have fun!

On the Move!

Keep ’em sock free during play and when they start standing – socks are slippery! Some milestones you may catch:

  • 6-7 months: sitting with minimal support, rolling back and forth
  • 8-9 months: sitting without support, pulling themselves up, attempting to crawl


Breast milk / formula are still key, but many babies start adding solids around 4-6 months old and are using highchairs.

  • 6-7 Months: 6-8 oz every 4-6 hours.
  • 8-9 Months: 5-8 oz every 3-4 hours

You don’t need to stock your cupboards with jars of baby food. You likely have some food on hand baby might enjoy at this age, like scrambled or hard boiled eggs, avocado slices, or yogurt. Just be sure to check with the parent first!